“We’re seeing a surge in revenge experiences.”
Wunderman Thompson, an agency, consultancy and technology company, zeroed in on people’s longing for a “thirst for the unusual, for authentic experiences, for newness,” as described by shares Kenneth Carter, Interim Dean of Oxford College and Charles Howard Candler Professor of Psychology at Emory University. And this is no different for the meetings and events industry.
Delegates, now more than ever, are looking for unique destinations and once-in-a-lifetime activities. Recent conversations with meetings planners point to this. Beyond price, accessibility, and local presence, a host destination also needs to be exciting and offer “a sense of discovery and escapism from the everyday,” expressed by design agency Sybarite co-founders Torquil McIntosh and Simon Mitchell. Depending on the attendees, this sense of adventure can look like something thrill-seeking, deeply cultural, extravagant, or even giving back to a destination.
What experience are you taking your delegates on next?